Helping Children Understand a Cancer Diagnosis

Understanding a cancer diagnosis can be challenging and confusing, especially for children. The Good Cancer is a heartwarming story about two brave young children who navigated their mother's early-stage breast cancer diagnosis with courage, strength and bravery.  The Good Cancer helps open up a dialogue around early-stage, curable cancer, in a safe and easy-to-understand way, removing the fear and stigma that is often associated with a scary diagnosis.


The Good Cancer is available in hard cover format in many major bookstores including Barnes & Noble, Indigo, Waterstones UK, and online on most Amazon marketplaces.

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The official reading level of The Good Cancer is ages 4-10. The Good Cancer is a 32-page rhyming picture book, designed to be read to children, or by children, with easy to understand illustrations, fonts and colours.

The Good Cancer is not suitable for explaining non-curable (stage 4) cancer to children. It is also not suitable for children who have lost (or are about to lose) a parent or loved one to cancer.

The Good Cancer explains early-stage, curable cancer. Whilst the story is about breast cancer, the Good Cancer isn’t cancer specific, and could be used to help children understand other types of cancer.

No, there is not. The imagery is light, colourful and fun. The book does contain cartoon images of an adult in a hospital bed with a head scarf wrapped around her head, and the book does cover chemotherapy and expected hair loss.

To put it simply, it does not.  The only reference to death in the book, is explaining and providing reassurance that a loved one will not die, and that they will be okay. The book is designed to provide reassurance that death isn’t always the outcome when someone is diagnosed with cancer. There is no mention of heaven, dying or pain in this book either.

Certainly. Please feel free to Contact Us through this website and we can send the text-only manuscript for your review and comfort.

Absolutely! The Good Cancer is available for individual purchase on most Amazon marketplaces, including, and

Yes. If you belong to a school, library or hospital, bulk orders can be processed through Ingram Spark’s Global Distribution Network. Please reach out to us if you need help placing an order.